Reasoning with Negation

This PowerLoom® example demonstrates some reasoning examples that involve negation. Some of the preceding demos did already use negation. What's new in this demo is the use of negated rule heads.

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|= (demo 7)

Now reading from `PL:sources;logic;demos;negation.ste'.
Type `?' at the pause prompt for a list of available commands.

;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: STELLA; Syntax: COMMON-LISP; Base: 10 -*-

;;; Version: negation.ste,v 1.9 2002/04/19 03:04:19 hans Exp

;;; Reasoning with negation
;;; =======================

;;; This file demonstrates some reasoning examples that involve
;;; negation.  Some of the preceding demos did already use negation.
;;; What's new in this demo is the use of negated rule heads.

;;; The best way to view this file is by calling `(demo)' and
;;; selecting it from the menu of example demos.  This demo assumes
;;; familiarity with some basic PowerLoom concepts which are described
;;; in the introductory demo (#1 on the demo menu) and other demos
;;; preceding this one.

;; Standard demo preamble:

|= (in-package "STELLA")
------ pause ------c

|= (defmodule "/PL-KERNEL/PL-USER/NEGATION")


|= (in-module "NEGATION")

|= (clear-module "NEGATION")

|= (reset-features)


|= (in-dialect :KIF)


;; The familiar `Person' class now with a slightly different set of
;;    relations:

|= (defconcept PERSON (?p)
  :documentation "The class of human beings.")


|= (defrelation happy ((?p PERSON)))


|= (defrelation despondent ((?p PERSON)))


|= (deffunction boss ((?p PERSON)) :-> (?b PERSON))


;; Some people and their bosses:

|= (assert (Person Fred))


|= (assert (Person Edward))


|= (assert (Person Carla))


|= (assert (= (boss Fred) Edward))


|= (assert (= (boss Edward) Carla))


;; Fred's boss is not happy.  Note, that this assertion is treated
;; extensionally, i.e., it is about `Edward', not the intensional
;; individual representing Fred's boss.  Note also, that top-level
;; negated proposition objects are printed with a `|P~|' prefix
;; instead of an explicit `not', since such propositions use FALSE as
;; their truth value:

|= (assert (not (Happy (boss Fred))))


;; An alternative way of asserting negated propositions is with help
;; of `deny'.  Note, that the assertion below does not create a new
;; proposition, since an identical proposition already exists:

|= (deny (Happy (boss Fred)))


;; Retrieve all people with an unhappy boss (this tests negated atomic
;; formulas containing a function argument):

|= (retrieve all (?x PERSON) (not (Happy (boss ?x))))

There is 1 solution:
  #1: ?X=FRED

;; Note, that the above query is basically a shorthand for this:

|= (retrieve all (?x PERSON)
          (exists (?y PERSON)
            (and (= (boss ?x) ?y)
                 (not (Happy ?y)))))

There is 1 solution:
  #1: ?X=FRED

;; Negation of a unary relation (or property):

;; Below is the first rule with a negated head involving two unary
;; relations defined as slots on the class `Person'.  Remember, that,
;; currently, PowerLoom can only reason with rules that have simple
;; heads (Horn rules).  A negated head is a simple head if its
;; argument is a non-negated simple head (see the `append' demo for
;; more description of simple heads).

|= (assert (forall (?x PERSON)
          (=> (despondent ?x)
              (not (happy ?x)))))

|P|(FORALL (?x)
   (<= (NOT (HAPPY ?x))
       (DESPONDENT ?x)))

|= (assert (Person Greg))


|= (assert (despondent Greg))


;; Again, note that `ask' only looks for positive answers to the asked query,
;; thus, we have to explicitly ask the negated query to get the result:

|= (ask (happy Greg))


|= (ask (not (happy Greg)))


;; Negation of a binary relation:

|= (defrelation has-friend ((?x PERSON) (?y PERSON))
  :documentation "True, if `?x' has `?y' as a friend.")


|= (defrelation has-enemy ((?x PERSON) (?y PERSON))
  :documentation "True, if `?x' has `?y' as an enemy.")


;; Another rule with a negated head that involves two binary relations:

|= (assert (forall ((?x PERSON) (?y PERSON))
          (=> (has-enemy ?x ?y)
              (not (has-friend ?x ?y)))))

|P|(FORALL (?x ?y)
   (<= (NOT (HAS-FRIEND ?x ?y))
       (HAS-ENEMY ?x ?y)))

|= (assert (Person Harry))


|= (assert (has-enemy Greg Harry))


|= (ask (has-friend Greg Harry))


|= (ask (not (has-friend Greg Harry)))


;; Negation of class membership:

|= (defconcept MALE-PERSON (?p PERSON))


|= (defconcept FEMALE-PERSON (?p PERSON))


|= (assert (forall (?x MALE-PERSON)
          (not (Female-Person ?x))))

|P|(FORALL (?x)
   (<= (NOT (FEMALE-PERSON ?x))
       (MALE-PERSON ?x)))

|= (assert (Person Ivan))


|= (assert (Male-Person Ivan))


|= (ask (Female-Person Ivan))


|= (ask (not (Female-Person Ivan)))



Finished demo `PL:sources;logic;demos;negation.ste'.


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PowerLoom is a registered trademark of the University of Southern California.
Last modified: May 27, 2006