We conduct research in adaptive, self-reconfigurable, autonomous robots and systems, including StarCell, modular, multifunctional and self-reconfigurable SuperBot, Hormone-Inspired Control (HIC), Surprise-Based Learning (SBL), self-healing MORPHOS robots, self-reconfiguration Distributed Planner, self-reconfigurable, optimizing and healing networks LANdroids, self-assembly SOLAR robots, dual-purpose AUV/ROV underwater CATALINA robot, self-reconfigurable CONRO and SERES robots, the award-wining DreamTeam soccer-playing robot team, the MEMS Intelligent Motion Surface, the award-wining indoor navigation YODA robot, as well as highlight reels for Industrial Robotics.
News and Introduction Videos
1. PC Magazine, January 2015
2. StarCell Project Award Announcement, January 2014
3. Visions Of The Future, BBC, January 2008
4. Fox News on SuperBot, 10PM, April 29, 2007
5. Multi-Behaviors of SuperBot, February 2007
6. Beyond Tomorrow, Discovery Channel, October 2006
7. USC Video Demonstration, 2007
Foundation of Artificial Intelligence, CSCI-561 (2016-Present)
Foundation to Data Mining, DSCI-553 (2019-Present)
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, CSCI-360 (2016-2018)
Autonomous Learning and Discovery Agents CSCI-590 (1995-2000)
Outstanding Achievements from our lab.
Invited presentation at the 7th Robotics workshop at the US Army REDCOM/TARDEC Joint Center for Robotics, 12/11/2009.
Modular Robots: State of the Art Workshop at the International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2010.
USC Robotics Open House, 4/5/2010.
Best paper for Autonomous/Unmanned Systems, the 26th Army Science Conference 12/2008.
Planetary Robotic Contingency Challenge Competition Champignon; ICRA 2008.
Self-Reconfigurable Robots and Applications the Workshop at the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2008.
BBC: Visions Of The Future - The Intelligence Revolution segment on SuperBot with Prof. Wei-Min Shen, 2008.
Workshop on Self-Reconfigurable Robots/Systems and Applications at the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2007.
WIRED NEXTFEST Demonstrations at the Los Angeles Exhibition and Convention Center.
Fox News on SuperBot, 10PM, April 29, 2007.
Multi-Behaviors of SuperBot, February 2007.
Complete in-house development via SLA fast prototyping machine, CNC machine, Milling machine, Lathe etc.