Jelena Mirkovic is Principal Scientist at USC/ISI and research associate professor at USC Thomas Lord Computer Science Department. She received her MS and PhD from UCLA, working in the LASR group, lead by Prof. Peter Reiher. She received BS in Computer Science and Engineering from School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Jelena's research interests span networking and security fields. Her current research is focused on denial-of-service attacks, vulnerability scanning, user-centric security and privacy. Additionally, she is interested in methodologies for conducting security experiments and leads a large project to build research infrastructure for cybersecurity experimentation, called SPHERE. Please explore links on the left sidebar to learn more about Jelena's research and teaching.

Jelena is actively involved with the USENIX CSET workshop and the PAM conference. She is also an associate editor at The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking and  IEEE Transactions on Security and Privacy.