Ns and Nam with Kurose and Ross

This web page describes how to use ns and nam as tools to help with the Kurose and Ross textbook Computer Networking: A Top-down Approach Featuring the Internet.

Currently this page maps chapters in the book to animations in the ns educational script repository. Currently the terms below correspond to the names of files on the educational web page. [Eventually we hope to add pointers to laboratory assignments and other utilities.]

Chapter 1: Computer Networks and the Internet

Currently, no animations for this chapter.

Chapter 2: Application Layer

Currently, no animations for this chapter.

Chapter 3: Transport Layer

Interview: Sally Floyd

Chapter 4: Network Layer and Routing

Chapter 5: Link Layer and Local Area Networks

Currently, no animations for this chapter.

Chapter 6: Multimedia Networking

Currently, no animations for this chapter.

Chapter 7: Security in Computer Networks

Currently, no animations for this chapter.

Chapter 8: Network Management

Currently, no animations for this chapter.

Other animations


Last modified: Wed Sep 25 14:09:06 2002