PowerLoom® Knowledge Representation & Reasoning System
PowerLoom® is the successor to the
Loom® knowledge representation system. It provides a
language and environment for constructing intelligent, knowledge-based
applications. PowerLoom uses a fully expressive, logic-based
representation language (a variant of KIF). It uses a natural
deduction inference engine that combines forward and backward chaining
to derive what logically follows from the facts and rules asserted in
the knowledge base. While PowerLoom is not a description logic, it
does have a description classifier which uses technology derived from
the Loom classifier to classify descriptions expressed in full first
order predicate calculus (see
paper). PowerLoom uses modules as a structuring device for
knowledge bases, and ultra-lightweight worlds to support hypothetical
To implement PowerLoom we developed a new programming language
called STELLA, which is a Strongly
Typed, Lisp-like LAnguage that can be translated into Lisp, C++ and
Java. PowerLoom is written in STELLA and therefore available in
Common-Lisp, C++ and Java versions.
PowerLoom is being developed at the Intelligent Systems
Division of USC's Information Sciences Institute (ISI).
Ontosaurus is a Web-based browser for PowerLoom knowledge bases. It
is now standardly included with PowerLoom starting with version 4.0.
The PowerLoom version of Ontosaurus was derived from the Loom version but
has been reimplemented in STELLA for easier integration with
PowerLoom. It requires a PowerLoom HTTP server which is currently
available for Java and certain Lisp versions that support a Web server
(e.g., Allegro CL).
PowerLoom GUI
The PowerLoom GUI (or knowledge editor) is a Java-based graphical
client for PowerLoom. The GUI is now standardly included with
PowerLoom starting with version 4.0.
The GUI is implemented as a Swing-based Java application which
communicates with an embedded or remote PowerLoom server using a SOAP
communication layer over HTTP. Similar to Ontosaurus, it requires a
PowerLoom HTTP server which is currently available for Java and
certain Lisp versions that support a Web server (e.g., Allegro CL).

Loom and PowerLoom are registered trademarks of the University of
Southern California.
Last modified:
Jan 6, 2023