Loom® 2.0 Functions


Generic Function


  +  number1 number2 number3
  -  number1 number2 number3
  /=  number1 number2
  <  number1 number2
  <=  number1 number2
  =  number1 number2
  >  number1 number2
  >=  number1 number2
  add-type  instance concept &key  kb no-error-p
  add-value  instance role value &key  kb no-error-p
  ask  query &key  kb 3-valued-p
  call-use-loom  packageName &key  dont-create-knowledge-base-p knowledge-base-name path-name loom-imports
  change-kb  knowledgeBase &key  no-checking-p
  change-object  instance class
  Character  object
  clear-kb  &optional  knowledgeBase &key  partitions
  compute-conjunction-concept  concepts
  compute-value-restriction  concept relation &key  return-a-list-p
  Concept  object
  concept--characteristics  concept characteristic
  concept--instances  concept instance
  concept--name  concept symbol
  concept--restrictions  concept restriction
  concept-p  object
  Cons-Or-Null  object
  Constant  object
  copy-instance  instance &key  identifier kb add-suffix-p
  count  setOfObjects number
  create  identifier concept &key  kb add-suffix-p clos-instance-p
  create-concept  name type kb
  createm  identifier concept &key  kb add-suffix-p clos-instance-p
  defaction  name parameters &key  filters missing-methods
  default  antecedent consequent
  defconcept  name &optional  documentation &key  is is-primitive implies defaults partitions exhaustive-partitions in-partition predicate function roles indices keys mixin-classes mixin-slots annotations identifier kb characteristics
  define-concept  &key  name is is-primitive implies defaults partitions exhaustive-partitions in-partition predicate function mixin-classes mixin-slots annotations identifier kb characteristics
  define-relation  &key  name is is-primitive implies domain domains range arity predicate function inheritance-link inheritance-method annotations identifier kb characteristics
  defkb  name parentKbs &key  path-name package export-names-p monotonic-p
  defmethod  name parameters &key  title situation with overrides response
  defproduction  name &key  when perform schedule do priority
  defrelation  name &optional  documentation &key  is is-primitive implies domain domains range arity predicate function inheritance-link inheritance-method annotations identifier kb characteristics
  defset  name &optional  documentation &key  is annotations identifier kb
  delete-all-methods  action
  delete-concept  concept &key  type delete-merged-concepts-p
  delete-method  &key  action title method error-p
  delete-production  production &key  error-p
  destroy  instance &key  dont-unintern-p
  destroym  instance &key  dont-unintern-p
  direct-subconcepts  concept1 concept2
  direct-superconcepts  concept1 concept2
  disjoint-concepts-p  concept1 concept2
  do-instances  variable &body  body
  do-retrieve  variables query &body  body
  fadd-value  instance role value
  fail  &optional  result
  fb  behaviorOrTitle &optional  title
  fc  datum &key  kb
  fget-value  instance role
  find-action  action &key  no-warning-p
  find-concept  concept &key  no-warning-p ignore-package-p kb
  find-instance  instance &key  no-warning-p ignore-package-p kb
  find-kb  kb &key  no-warning-p
  find-knowledge-base-of-instance  instance
  find-method  actionOrTitle &optional  title &rest  no-error-p
  find-or-create-instance  instance concept
  find-production  production &key  no-warning-p
  find-relation  relation &key  no-warning-p ignore-package-p kb
  find-subsumers&subsumees  expression &optional  kb
  fi  datum &key  kb
  forget  &body  propositions
  forgetm  &body  propositions
  fremove-value  instance role value
  fr  datum &key  kb
  fset-value  instance role value
  get-action  action &key  no-error-p
  get-concept  concept &key  no-error-p kb
  get-indices  concept &key  direct-p
  get-instance  instance &key  error-p kb
  get-instances  concept &key  direct-p asserted-p
  get-inverse-values  instance role &key  kb no-error-p
  get-keys  concept &key  direct-p
  get-matching-instances  concepts roleFillers
  get-method  action title &key  no-error-p
  get-name  object
  get-production  production &key  no-error-p
  get-relation  relation &key  no-error-p kb
  get-role  concept relation
  get-role-cardinality  conceptOrInstance relation
  get-role-default-values  concept relation
  get-role-max-cardinality  conceptOrInstance relation
  get-role-min-cardinality  conceptOrInstance relation
  get-role-types  conceptOrInstance relation
  get-role-values  conceptOrInstance relation
  get-roles  concept
  get-subconcepts  concept &key  direct-p
  get-subrelations  relationOrConcept &key  direct-p
  get-superconcepts  concept &key  direct-p
  get-superrelations  relationOrConcept &key  direct-p
  get-types  instance &key  asserted-p direct-p
  get-value  instance role &key  direct-p kb no-error-p
  get-values  instance role &key  direct-p kb no-error-p
  identifier--instance  symbol instance
  implies  antecedent consequent
  in-kb  knowledgeBase
  Incoherent  object
  Incoherent-Concept  object
  initialize-network  &key  destroy-kbs-p
  instance-p  object
  instance--asserted-concepts  instance concept
  instance--cached-concepts  instance concept
  instance--concepts  instance concept
  instance--identifier  instance symbol
  instance--type  instance concept
  isa-p  object concept
  Integer  object
  kill-task  task
  Knowledge-Base  object
  list-dependents  concept &key  all-p
  list-depend-ons  concept &key  all-p
  list-features  &key  dont-display-p
  list-inverse-role-names&values  instance
  list-kb  &optional  knowledgeBase &key  partitions sort-p
  list-merged-concepts  &optional  kb
  list-methods  action
  list-productions  &key  kb
  list-role-names&values  instance
  list-system-defined-concepts  &optional  kb
  list-tasks  list-tasks &key  priorities
  list-tuples  relation
  list-undefined-concepts  &optional  kb
  load-kb  knowledgeBase &key  path-name
  load-loom-patches  &key  source-if-newer-p
  load-loom-patches  &key  source-if-newer-p
  loom-concept  instance
  Loom-Thing  object
  make-object  class &body  initargs &key  identifier kb
  max  setOfNumbers number
  Max-Restriction-P  object
  member-of  object set
  members  set object
  Meta-Concept  object
  meta-concept-p  object
  min  setOfNumbers number
  Min-Restriction-P  object
  most-general-concepts  conceptList
  most-specific-concepts  conceptList
  name--concept  symbol concept
  name--relation  symbol relation
  Non-Loom-Thing  object
  Number  object
  object-name  object
  pb  behavior &optional  title
  pc  datum
  perform  (actionName &rest  arguments) &key  returnOption
  perform-task  task returnOption
  pi  datum &key  assertions-only-p
  power-level  &optional  level
  po  object
  pprint-object  object &optional  stream
  predecessor  set member1 member2
  Primitive-P  object
  print-methods  action
  pr  datum
  query  variables expression
  Relation  object
  relation-p  object
  relation--domain  relation concept
  relation--name  relation symbol
  relation--range  relation concept
  relation--restrictions  relation restriction
  remove-type  instance concept &key  kb no-error-p
  remove-value  instance role value &key  kb no-error-p
  rename-concept  newName concept &key  type
  Restriction-P  object
  restriction--concepts  restriction concept
  restriction--max  restriction max
  restriction--min  restriction min
  restriction--relation  restriction relation
  restriction--value-restriction  restriction vr
  retrieve  variables query &key  kb generators
  role-members  instance relation value
  same-as  set1 set2
  save-kb  &optional  knowledgeBase &key  partitions path-name
  schedule  (actionName &rest  arguments) &key  priority
  schedule-task  task
  scheduled-p  task
  set-features  &rest  features
  set-value  instance role value &key  kb no-error-p
  set-values  instance role values &key  kb no-error-p
  show-all  object &key  stream
  show-progress  activity
  show  object &key  stream
  Single-Valued-P  object
  String  object
  subconcept-p  concept1 concept2 &key  cant-be-equal-p
  subconcepts  concept1 concept2
  subset  set1 set2
  successor  set member1 member2
  sum  setOfNumbers number
  superconcepts  concept1 concept2
  Symbol  object
  tell  &body  propositions
  tellm  &body  propositions
  term-implies  concept1 concept2
  test-not-type-p  instance concept &key  kb no-error-p
  test-type-p  instance concept &key  kb no-error-p
  Thing  object
  trace  &body  functionNames
  unmake-object  instance
  unset-features  &rest  features
  untrace  &body  functionNames
  use-loom  packageName &key  dont-create-knowledge-base-p knowledge-base-name path-name loom-imports
  User-Defined-P  object
  Value-Restriction-P  object
  where-is-it  object
  why  premise
  with-default-features  &body  body
  with-feature-changes  (&key  set unset) &body  body
  with-features  (features) &body  body

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