Electric Elves}: Immersing an Agent Organization in a Human Organization
David V. Pynadath, Milind Tambe, Yigal Arens, Hans Chalupsky, Yolanda
Gil, Craig Knoblock, Haeyoung Lee, Kristina Lerman, Jean Oh, Surya
Ramachandran, Paul S. Rosenbloom and Thomas Russ
USC / Information Sciences Institute
4676 Admiralty Way
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
Within an organization, we envision that agent-based technology will
facilitate (and sometimes supervise) all collaborative activities. For
a research institution, agentization may facilitate such activities as
meeting organization, paper composition, software development, and
deployment of people and equipment for out-of-town demonstrations. For
a military organization, agentization may enable the teaming of
military units and equipment for rapid deployment, the monitoring of
the progress of such deployments, and the rapid response to any crises
that may arise. To accomplish such goals, we envision the presence of
agent proxies for each person within an organization. Thus, for
instance, if an organizational crisis requires an urgent deployment of
a team of people and equipment, then agent proxies could dynamically
volunteer for team membership on behalf of the people or resources
they represent, while also ensuring that the selected team
collectively possesses sufficient resources and capabilities. The
proxies must also manage effi- cient transportation of such resources,
the monitoring of the progress of individual participants and of the
mission as a whole, and the execution of corrective actions when goals
appear to be endangered.
Socially Intelligent Agents: The Human in the Loop. Papers from the
{AAAI} Fall Symposium., AAAI Technical Report FS-00-04,
pp. 150-154, November 3-5, 2000. North Falmouth, Massachusetts.
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