I-LENSE Testbeds

We have developed/deployed a few testbeds for wireless sensor network experiments. The major hardware platforms we are using now are the Mica Motes designed by UC Berkeley, the PC/104s that available as COTS products from a couple of companies, and Stayton based nodes from Intel.

Current Testbeds

We currently maintain and operate several testbeds.

Mica2 mote  Mote Nodes

Mica and Mica2 Motes  are designed by UC Berkeley as a testbed for wireless sensor network experiments. They are running an event-driven operating system called TinyOS. Motes can be used as stand alone nodes. They can also be connected with PC/104s or Staytons to form a tiered architecture.

Marina del Rey DATUNR underwater testbed  DATUNR Underwater testbed

The DATUNR project is developing an always-available and remotely-accessible underwater networking testbed in the Marina del Rey harbor. The testbed will support remote access to hosts with WHOI Micromodems and SNUSE acoustic modems.

Retired Testbeds

In the past we have operated several additional testbeds. Some can be redeployed if there is research interest.

PC/104 node PC/104 Based Nodes

PC/104 based nodes are mainly funded by DARPA SenseIT program for SCADDS project. It is built upon off-the-shelf PC/104 based products.  The operation system is Linux. Currently we have 30 nodes: 14 of them are semi-permanently deployed on 10th and 11th floors, others can be deployed ad hoc on hallways to create interesting experiment scenarios. 

Stayton node  Stayton Based Nodes

Staytons are an early 2003 version of X-Scale embedded node developed by Intel. We have 12 Staytons deployed as part of our MACSS work.

Stargate  Stargate Based Nodes

Stargates are the next-generation X-Scale board sensor node developed by Intel and manufactured by Crossbow. We are expecting to deploy 30 Stargates by December, 2003 to complement our PC/104 and Stayton nodes.

WINSNG  WinsNG Based Nodes

WinsNG sensor nodes were developed by Sensoria Corporation www.sensoria.com  under the DARPA SenseIT program. Currently we have 10 WinsNG nodes.

WINSNG  Button Box Based Nodes

Button boxes are made by Intel as a simple housing with user interface extension for MICA2Dot Motes. We have deployed 10 button boxes on the 11th floor for  the "Follow Me" application. We plan to eventually deploy about 70 button boxes on the 11th floor.

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Last modified: $Date: 2009-09-10 08:52:43 -0700 (Thu, 10 Sep 2009) $