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Targeted EMAG Advertising

Dear Web Marketer:

What's the most effective "PUSH" technology available...?

   It's e-mail. 

And LoopLink advertisers reach more than 300,000 subscribers weekly
through our topic specific EMAGS.
Advertising your product or service in our EMAGS is efficient and
effective.  Our EMAG subscribers OPT-IN because they are interested
in receiving offers relating to a particualr topic. So they
specifically WANT your offer.  We publish EMAGS in 50 different
categories, both business and consumer.  Whatever your target
audience, we have an EMAG that will work for you  Whether you want

   Build Traffic To Your Site
   Provide a Direct Marketing Offer
   Announce a new Product or Service
   Build Brand Awareness

LoopLink EMAG advertising will give you the response you want for a
price you can afford.  Each EMAG has a guaranteed circulation of at
least  5,000 and an ad runs only $99.  That's real advertising value.

And placing an EMAG ad is easy.  All you have to do is visit our site
at www.looplink.com, select the EMAG topic and issue date run your ad
in, type in your ad copy and push the button.  Your ad will be
automattically formatted and placed in the appropriate EMAG issue.
Or if you prefer, call us at 1-800-webpro-1 and we can place the ad
for you. In addition, we can answer any questions and provide some
tips that may help you write an effective message for your EMAG ad.

Here's what a few of today's leading business publications are
saying about email as a marketing tool. Advertising Age:
"Blows away traditional bulk mailing" Crains: "E-mail is an
incredible lead generation tool" New York Times: "A gold mine
for those who can take advantage of E-mail".

So don't delay.  Visit our site (www.looplink.com) or call us today at
1-800-webpro-1 and place your EMAG ad today!


Joanne Kaye
Dir. Ad Placement