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About FQ
Hi, folks
This message is about how to use queueing management type FQ. I posted
the similiar question before, but got no response. I have no some
experiments, still could not figure out it.
The code fragment is
#create topology
NodeTopology/1node instproc init ns {
$self next
$self instvar node_
set node_(r1) [$ns node]
set node_(k1) [$ns node]
Class Topology/nets -superclass NodeTopology/1node
Topology/nets instproc init ns {
$self next $ns
$self instvar node_
$ns simplex-link $node_(r1) $node_(k1) 0.1Mb 0ms FQ
#FQ type is used
$ns queue-limit $node_(r1) $node_(k1) 10
if {[$class info instprocs config] != ""} {
$self config $ns
Class Test/1switch -superclass TestSuite
Test/1switch instproc init topo {
$self instvar net_ defNet_ test_
set net_ $topo
set defNet_ nets
set test_ 1switch
$self next
#set up three flows udp1, cbr1, cbr 2 to test FQ
Test/1switch instproc run {} {
$self instvar ns_ node_ testName_
#create a udp source with fid 0
set udp1 [new Agent/CBR/UDP]
$udp1 set fid_ 0
set expo1 [new Traffic/Expoo]
$expo1 set packet-size 200
$expo1 set burst-time 500ms
$expo1 set idle-time 500ms
$expo1 set rate 100k
$udp1 attach-traffic $expo1
#create two CBR source with fid 1 and 2
set cbr1 [new Agent/CBR]
$cbr1 set fid_ 1
set cbr2 [new Agent/CBR]
$cbr2 set fid_ 2
$cbr1 set packetSize_ 200
$cbr1 set interval_ 50ms
$cbr2 set packetSize_ 200
$cbr2 set interval_ 10ms
$ns_ attach-agent $node_(r1) $udp1
$ns_ attach-agent $node_(r1) $cbr1
$ns_ attach-agent $node_(r1) $cbr2
set recv1 [new Agent/Null]
$ns_ attach-agent $node_(k1) $recv1
$ns_ connect $udp1 $recv1
$ns_ connect $cbr1 $recv1
$ns_ connect $cbr2 $recv1
$ns_ at 0.0 "$cbr1 start; $cbr2 start; $udp1 start"
$self traceQueues $node_(r1) [$self dummpyopenTrace 5.0 $testName_]
$ns_ run
Then, I run my code for 5 minutes. The output from create-trace is
v testName 1switch
+ 0 0 1 cbr 200 ------ 1 0.1 1.0 0 0
+ 0 0 1 cbr 200 ------ 2 0.2 1.0 0 1
+ 0.01 0 1 cbr 200 ------ 2 0.2 1.0 1 2
For me, the result is not right. At least, there are more than
three queue operations in 5 minutes.
Any suggestion, especially from ns developer or FQ user, is welcome.
Web: http://yake.ecn.purdue.edu/~shaogang Purdue University
Office: MSEE 292 Phone: (765) 494-0434 W. Lafayette, IN 47907