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Re: code?
On Sun, 19 Oct 1997, Preeti Vinayakray wrote:
> Hello:
> I appreciate if anyone can help me with following query.- > ns-2
> I have tried to insert a loss Module into the link but it is not
> working. While writing set ns[new SessionSim] gives error -> invalid
> commnad SessionSim.... But it works with ns1. Is there any differnt way
> to place this code in ns-2...?
> I appreciate ur time to read this.
> regds,
> Preeti
[I assume the SessionSim you referred to is the session level simulator
recently implemented to scale ns performance.]
I don't recall SessionSim being in ns-1. Could you start ns in
command line mode, type 'ns-ver' and tell me what you get?
Also, please send me the problematic script so I can recreate the problem.
- References:
- code?
- From: Preeti Vinayakray <preeti@ee.uts.edu.au>