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Re: red queue graph

> From:  "Robert F. Jaeger" <rob@afterlife.ncsc.mil>
> To:    ns-users@mash.CS.Berkeley.EDU
> Subject: red queue graph
> Date:  Mon, 27 Oct 1997 15:44:13 PST
> hi,
> i have been trying to get a queue size -vs- time plot from:
> 	./ns test-suite-red.tcl red1
> Queue trace data is being written to out.tr but the plotQueue awk code is una
> to get generate the  temp.queue file needed to xgraph the data.  Has the trac
> file format changed?  Has anyone run into this problem before?
> Thanks,
> Rob   

This is some functionality that hadn't quite made it to nsv2 until
fairly recently.  If you have a "current" snapshot I believe
this should work.

- K