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ns installation verification failure
I am a third year undergraduate at Cambridge University, England, and am
experiencing difficulty installing ns on a debian-linux machine. I intend
to use the software in a project studying the application of traffic
estimators in the Internet (http://thor.cam.ac.uk./~cwc22). If this is not
the place to ask for such assistance, I apologise, and would appreciate
direction as to where I should seek help instead.
Upon executing "ns test-suite.tcl tahoe1", I am told:
tahoe1 does not exist (Authoritative answer)
Error in looking up server name
What would be the most likely cause of this message?
I am using Tcl7.6, Tk4.2, OTcl0.96, tclcl-1.0b4 and ns-2.0, all installed
in /usr/local/src/ with:
/usr/local/bin: otclsh, owish, tclsh, wish, tcl2c++
/usr/local/lib: libotcl.a, libotcl.so, libtclcl.a, libtcl7.6.a, libtk4.2.a
with subdirs tcl7.6, tk4.2
libtclcl's configure and make ran fine; I had to modify ns's configure
slightly to change the tclcl version from b3 to b4, after which ns's make
produced successful compilation. I am using gcc (ELF).
Any help would be greatly appreciated,
Christopher Clark