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Re: Document Asymmetry on TCP
>>> "Jaume Linares (P-acalveras) Jun 97" said:
> WWW:http://www-mash.cs.berkeley.edu/ns/ns-research.html
> I've tried to print the file tcpasym-mobicom97.ps which contains the
> document "The Effects of Asymmetry on TCP Performance" with many image
> viewers or sending it directly to the printer, at it doesn't work. It
> has been done with PS-Adobe-3.0 and with an application called
> FrameMaker, and none of my computers (PC with Win95 or Sun WorkStation
> with Unix) support it. Does anybody know if I can get the document with
> other format or what program I have to use?
> Thank-you very much in advance.
It's actually compressed using gzip, which winzip32 should be able to
uncompress. Perhaps you don't have the right helper set for gzip in your
-- Hari.