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Re: nam auto-layout
> How can I instruct nam to compute network layout before it shows the
> graph, e.g. to compute 10 interations with Ca=0.15, Cr=0.15 and then 10
> with Ca=0.95,Cr=0.95. Man page doesn't seem to teach me this. I'm willing
> to hack the source code to do this, if necessary. Could you point me where
> to start with?
Look at function nam_relayout in nam.tcl. To do a run of re-layout, all
you need to do is to instantiate vars (iterations, Kc, Ka) from $netModel,
set them to desired value, then call $netModel relayout. Do this at the
end of nam_init should be OK. (But do not do "settime" stuff, they are
used to update display.)
- Haobo