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Re: About TCP

At 10:18 AM 11/21/97 PST, kfall@ee.lbl.gov wrote:
>There are two major variants of TCP in the simulator.  The "regular one",
>and "full tcp", where full tcp has (nearly) the full state machine
>a regular TCP has.  Full TCP can handle connection establishment and
>it doesn't actually transfer data, although that would be a tiny change.
>The "API" to TCP is not quite there yet (there is something rudimentary),
>but it's on the list.  Bug fixes and changes to full-tcp's connection
>establishment/teardown are still in progress [it works ok when SYNs aren't
>lost, but in certain such cases it doesn't behave exactly as a real TCP

I'm not sure where Kevin is with his full-tcp version, but we have a version
that we created from an earlier version that was fairly buggy and didn't
have an "API". (We gave this back to Kevin and Sally and I think Kevin
is fixing this up to conform to ns-2 standards, but Kevin can correct me
on this.) We don't want to be held responsible for supporting code for
anyone (precisely why we gave our version back), but we could possibly
share it with those who understand that all you get from us is the code.
Kedar Poduri (kpoduri@baynetworks.com) has been working with this most
recently and has it running with the current version of ns-2. We mostly
use "ftp" and "web" style client/server models with it.

Still, if Kevin is releasing a new version soon, you might be better
off waiting for it.
