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Re: Snooping on early drops

	Queuemonitors by themselves cannot distinguish between overflow and
early drops. For that you have to use either QueueMonitors/ED or 
QueueMonitors/ED/FLOW montiors both of which are subclass of QueueMonitors.
Refer to the man page under these objects for more information.


> I'm trying to set up a queue monitor to monitor the drops from a RED queue.
> For some reason, the monitor sees some drops ( probably tail drops ) and
> not the early drops.  
> I'm not sure why this is the case.  I figure I should probably define a
> drop early target.  What I don't understand is why.  As far as I can tell
> both types of drops use the connector:drop() method.
> Is there some code that looks at the type of drop, and avoids the snoop ?
> 						Thanks,
> 							Jim
> -- 
> Jim Perreault
> [email protected]
> http://www.sunyerie.edu/jap