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Re: nam intall problem
Looks like an ldpath problem. I've been having problems related to
static/dynamic library linking for Solaris which is related and may help
you out......
First, a question. Has anyone been able to compile a (completely)
statically linked version of ns-2 on Solaris? The problem seems to be
that a lot of Solaris calls use dynamic library calls which are in a
shared object library (libdl.so). So when you go to statically link the
final binary, it poops out since it can't statically link to a shared
object library. Right now, I've just been compiling a dynamically
linked version of the simulator and passing the compiler the following,
in order to statically link all the non-standard libraries into the
-Xlinker -Bstatic -l<libraries to statically link> -Bdynamic
(So that I hopefully don't have to install libotcl, libTclcl, etc. on
every single machine I want to run a simulation on)
> Hello,
> I just installed nam on my machine, however it says:
> nam: can't load library 'libotcl.so'
> that lib was there in /usr/local/lib.
> So what is the problem? how to fix it?
> Thanks a lot!
> ---Jiang