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Re: Running ns-2.1b1
From: Deniz Gurkan <[email protected]>
To: ns-users <[email protected]>
Date: 6 December 1997 �. 7:12 AM
Subject: Running ns-2.1b1
>Dear ns-users,
>I have compiled and installed ns-2.1b1 with gcc2.7.2.2 and libg++2.7.2 for
>a second time. But I stil have the error of the following when I run the
>test: ./ns test-suite.tcl tahoe1. I will be grateful if you can help me
>solve the problem.
>e-mail: [email protected] URL: http://www.ee.bilkent.edu.tr/~deniz/
Dear Deniz,
I had similar problem with ns2.0 with SCO OpenServer5.0.2 on my PC.
You can look at my earlier posts to this mail-group.
I still do not know what was the cause of the problem. It seemed to be
a bug in otcl or tclcl. When I installed ns2.1b1 everything got running
smooth (I mean ns2 validation tests), but before I could not even
start ns shell itself. My suggestion is you should try different
combination of otcl, tclcl, tcl, tk libraries. I mean try to use different
compilers to biuld the respective libraries (system's native c/c++, or
gnu c/c++). Also try whether the older version of ns2 ns2.0 will
work or not. If this will not help you will need to track down the cause
of that error using some debugger, which I did not have time to do.