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help needed : ns cannot run or pass verification test
hi all,
I am new to ns. I have installed the relevant packages like Tcl/Tk,
otcl, TclCL, and perl. Then i installed ns2.1b1.
After doing some slight modifications to some of the files in ns due to
compilation error when i use make(eg. random, bzero, duplicate
declaration for default parameters, removing the "STATIC=-Bstatic"
statement in Makefile), i managed to build ns without error.
However, when i run the verification test
./ns test-suite tahoe1, the following error was reported :
ld.so.1: ./ns: fatal: libotcl.so: can't open file: errno=2
The same error mssg was reported if i try to run ns.
My system configuration
1. Sun Ultra 1 running Sun solaris 2.5.1
2. Tcl/Tk version of 7.6 and 4.2
3. otcl version of 0.96
4. perl version 5.004.03
5. ns2.1b1
6. I am using compiler that comes fr. Sun (not GNU)
Can someone give me some hints as to what can be wrong and how to solve
it? Has anyone managed to install the ns2.1b1 without any modification
to the source files on system same as mine?
Thanks in advance for all help rendered!