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Re: help needed : ns cannot run or pass verification test

hi deniz,

have solved the problem by putting the following lines in my .cshrc file

setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH firstpath                                            
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH "secondpath:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"  

1.  Since we have similar config., just want to check whether u have
encountered the similar problem as i mentioned when building ns?  do u have
to make slight modifciations to the ns source files, like what i did?

2. I am still in the mist of setting up the xgraph.  Managed to build
nam1.0a3, again having to make slight modifications to the nam source file.
Could run some test file (like rbp_demo.nam) but give core dump when tried
with simple_mcast.nam.  do u have the same problem?

3. Still trying to setup xgraph.  Again need to modify some .h and source
file.  but make failed at the following stage :
make: fatal error : Don't know how to make target `usr/local/lib/libXext.a'
did u manage to get the xgraph working?  


At 08:40 AM 12/18/97 +0300, Deniz Gurkan wrote:
>> ld.so.1: ./ns: fatal: libotcl.so: can't open file: errno=2
>> Killed 
>I have the similar configuration with you and that same error also occured
>in my case. Please check your environment variable PATH, if it is pointing
>to the place where libotcl.so resides at. If it doesn't work, try to "make
>install" otcl again, that may be missing.
>Good Luck.
>Research Assistant
>e-mail: [email protected]  URL: http://www.ee.bilkent.edu.tr/~deniz/

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