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[Thank you]

Thanks, Haenle!
I have appreciated many informations you sent me about network topology.
but, your giving me information is a little different from my request.
for examle, what I want is as following

	#      Create a simple four node topology:
	#             s1
	#              \             
	#       8Mb,5ms \  0.8Mb,100ms       
	#                r1 --------- k1     
	#       8Mb,5ms /
	#              /
	#             s2
	global s1 s2 r1 k1 n1 n2
	     set s1 [ns node]
	     set s2 [ns node]
	     set k1 [ns node]
	#Call the above function which will set r1 to be the ATM Network
	     ns_duplex $s1 $r1 8Mb 5ms drop-tail
	     ns_duplex $s2 $r1 8Mb 5ms drop-tail
	#Since we have to set the queue limit of this link so assign it 	to a
	     set L [ns_duplex $r1 $k1 800kb 100ms drop-tail]
	#L is an array of two links. So seperately set the two queue 	limits.
	     [lindex $L 0] set queue-limit 6
	     [lindex $L 1] set queue-limit 6
	#Create a TCP sink and set its variables
	     set tcp1 [ns_create_connection tcp $s1 tcp-sink $k1 0]
	     $tcp1 set window 50
	     set ftp1 [$tcp1 source ftp]
	     ns at 0.0 "$ftp1 start"

I want methods of network topology implementation as like above example,
as it were, what I want is topology by using "ns"
Please, send me some data or information about these.
	Thank you very much!

					Sincerely yours,
					Ho-cheol Choo