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Re: Problem encountered while downloading
On Wed, 04 Feb 1998 13:48:33 GMT, Mr Kashinath Basu wrote:
>I am a PhD student working on the area of multicasting. Presently, I am
>planning to do some multicast simulations using ns. Although I have
>successfully downloaded TCL/TK and OTCL from the Berkeley site, but I
>was unable to successfully download ns. When I downloaded the file from
>the ns site(http://www-mash.cs.berkeley.edu/ns/ns-build.html), I found
>it was a Log of ns-change history and not the ns software. I tried it
>repeatedly, but everytime it was the same file.
That page downloads OK for me... is it possibly you have some kind of
proxy cache gone awry?
In any event, you can get the pieces of ns directly from
-John Heidemann