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Re: Interpreted and compiled hierarchies


>>> From: Ingela Anderton <[email protected]>
>>> Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 15:01:21 +0100

> If I do the following:
> > ns sim.tcl 
> where sim.tcl is my otcl script what happens? Is the script
> interpreted or is the c++ mirror classes compiled and run?  As you may
> realise I haven't relly got a grip on how the interpreted and compiled
> hierarchies relate. If some one could explain this I'd be very greateful.

> If I start ns and give the command ?
> I get a very long string of commands and classes how do I get more
> information about these? (Sure there is some information about this in
> the ns Notes and Documentation, but I think the step between this
> document and writing your own simulation is a bit big.)

Your script is interpreted.  It is not necessary to figure out the
shadowing and mirroring to write simulation scripts.

>From your message, I gather that you are just starting to play with ns,
and have not been successful in writng your own simulation scripts.  If
my impression is wrong, my apologies, please le me know, and I will 
respond in greater detail.

A good place to start figuring out how to setup a simulation is
to look in the examples directory, in tcl/ex.  I'd start with simple.tcl,
and then go on to other examples more suited to your interests.

It is easier to figure out how the shadowing works at this point,
by looking at the documentation, and the sources close theareas of
your interests.  If you like, we can discuss some more at that point,



PS:  We'd also appreciate (and encourage) any feedback or suggestions
on how to improve the documentation from you, and other users as well.

[email protected]