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Re: Bugs in errmodel.cc

On Fri, 6 Mar 1998, John Heidemann wrote:

> >> 	2) There is a typo, we should have : bind("errPkt_", &errPkt_);
> The typo is almost certainly a bug,
> but in general, things which are bound (with bind())
> don't need to be initialized in C++
> because they're initialized in tcl in the
> tcl/lib/ns-default.tcl.
> errPkt_, errByte_, and errTime_ are all init'ed there.
> I'm not sure why therefore you observed them starting with high values
> (perhaps because of the typo?).
>    -John Heidemann

	Yes, with the typo, errPkt_ is not bound correctly and errPkt_ in
C++ is not initialized through tcl/lib/ns-default. Therefore, it starts
sometimes with very high values such that you do not get any errors for a
whole simulation.


Saad Biaz				Abou Youssef
Graduate Research Assistant		Office : (409) 845 50 07
Department of Computer Science		Home   : (409) 862 91 35
College Station, TX, 77843-3112