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NS-2.1b2 building problem
Dear Professor,
I have the problem listed below when I build ns.
The package is "ns-allinone-2.1b2.tar.gz", just downloaded from "www
I have succeded in building ns-2.0a16 with Tcl7.6,Tk4.2,otcl0.96 and
Tcl1.06a. In both versions, there are definitions of 'dlopen' and
'dlsym' in tclLoadAix.c, but this file is not compiled according to
makefile. I compared the tclLoadDl.c, and makefile options about library,
but no solution was found.
Thanks for your help!
---Peidong Zhu
c++ -static -o ns \
tclAppInit.o random.o rng.o ranvar.o misc.o timer-handler.o
scheduler.o object.o packet.o ip.o route.o connector.o ttl.o trace.o
trace-ip.o classifier.o classifier-addr.o classifier-flow.o classif
ier-hash.o classifier-mcast.o classifier-mpath.o replicator.o classi
fier-mac.o cbr.o traffictrace.o pareto.o expoo.o telnet.o tcplib-tel
net.o agent.o message.o udp.o session-rtp.o rtp.o rtcp.o ivs.o tcp.o
tcp-sink.o tcp-reno.o tcp-newreno.o tcp-vegas.o tcp-rbp.o tcp-full.o
scoreboard.o tcp-sack1.o tcp-fack.o tcp-asym.o tcp-asym-sink.o tcp-fs
.o tcp-asym-fs.o tcp-int.o chost.o tcp-session.o nilist.o integrator.
o queue-monitor.o flowmon.o loss-monitor.o queue.o drop-tail.o red.o
semantic-packetqueue.o semantic-red.o ack-recons.o sfq.o fq.o drr.o c
bq.o hackloss.o errmodel.o delay.o ll.o snoop.o channel.o mac.o mac-c
sma.o mac-802_11.o mac-multihop.o dynalink.o rtProtoDV.o net-interfac
e.o ctrMcast.o prune.o srm.o sessionhelper.o delaymodel.o srm-ssm.o s
rm-topo.o lib/int.Vec.o lib/int.RVec.o lib/dmalloc_support.o gen/ver
sion.o gen/ns_tcl.o win32.o -L/usr/local/lib -ltclcl -L/home/lh/otc
l-1.0a2/ -lotcl -L/home/lh/ns-2.1b2/../tk8.0/unix -ltk8.0 -L../tcl8.0/
unix -ltcl8.0 -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lXext -lX11 -lm
/usr/local/lib/libtcl8.0.a(tclLoadDl.o): In function 'TclLoadFile':
tclLoadDl.o(.txt+0x19):undefined reference to 'dlopen'
tclLoadDl.o(.txt+0x29):undefined reference to 'dlerror'
tclLoadDl.o(.txt+0x53):undefined reference to 'dlsym'
tclLoadDl.o(.txt+0x8e):undefined reference to 'dlsym'
tclLoadDl.o(.txt+0xa9):undefined reference to 'dlsym'
tclLoadDl.o(.txt+0xe7):undefined reference to 'dlym'
make: ***[ns] Error 1