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Re: Wireless Network Simulator
For the wireless extensions in ns, please download the nsDoc and check out
the chapter on wireless and local area networks. Most of my extensions
focus on just wireless LANs.
> We are working on some simulation of wireless networks. We need to simulate
> the wireless link, and different layers above it in the protocol stack.
> For the transport layer we need to use the different version of TCP (like
> Reno, Tahoe etc.) We had downloaded the ns-2 version however could not find
> the wireless network extensions in it. Could you pl inform me as to where can
> I find the ns, with wireless capabilities? In case the current version of ns
> does not have these facilities, could you pl help us by suggesting some other
> easily-available, easily-modifiable simulation package, which has wireless
> provisions and provisions to add other protocol layers?