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Problems with errormodel

We are looking for a simple error model that drops packets with some
probability P. We have looked at the source codes for mac-test.tcl and
Mr Hari Balakrishnan's example (feb 19 Re: Wanted : A script using
Error model). 

We are trying to insert an error model into our simulation based on Mr
Haobo Yu's contribution to this mailing list (last one in february).

However, we cannot make it work properly. The simulator drops packets,
but after it has dropped the first one it drop all the rest.

We tried to use the following:

$ns add-duplex-lossy-link $n0 $n1 50

It seems that it doesn't matter what the rate parameter (here it's 50) is...

Any tips? (We've tried the NS documentation, errmodel.cc/h source code
and example files...) 

/Lars Lundstedt,
 Wesa Riihinen,
 Johan Soderberg Lulea University of Technology