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Re: ECN problem!

> From: Zutong Sun <[email protected]>
> Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 11:47:52 EDT

> 	Could anybody tell me the setting for ECN is correct? 
> ......
> $tcp1 set ecn_ true
> $tcp2 set ecn_ true
> $tcp3 set ecn_ true
> $tcp4 set ecn_ true

Here are the declarations and bindings for ecn_:

---- tcp.h -----

class TcpAgent : public Agent {
	int ecn_;		/* Explicit Congestion Notification */

---- tcp.cc -----

TcpAgent::TcpAgent() : Agent(PT_TCP), rtt_active_(0), rtt_seq_(-1),
	// Defaults for bound variables should be set in ns-default.tcl.
	bind("ecn_", &ecn_);

---- tcl/lib/ns-default.tcl ----
Agent/TCP set ecn_ 0

I would think that this means that ecn_ is an integer, and
hence you cannot specify true as a setting for it.  Most
likely the string to number conversion sets this to 0, and
so you will always get the same behaviour.


[email protected]