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Re: multiple flow id's in CBQ
> From: Malin Flodin <[email protected]>
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: multiple flow id's in CBQ
> Date: Sat, 02 May 1998 00:07:46 +0200
> Hi!
> I have a question concerning CBQ.
> How do I during simulation add and delete
> classes while maintaining a default class
> handling all remaining traffic? I.e. how do I
> create a class that maps to all flowids except
> from those corresponding to the other classes?
> As an example,
> class A - flow id 10-20
> class B - flow id 35-38
> class C - all flow id's not covered by A or B
> And later on, is it possible to delete class B and
> have it's traffic become handled by class C?
> Thanks in advance.
> Malin Flodin
Something like this (assuming all the classes have been
inserted into the cbq link)...
set cl [$cbqlink classifier]
set slotnum [$cl findslot $classC]
$cl set default_ $slotnum
Note that the function "findslot" is new, and you will probably
have to grab a "current snapshot" version of the simulator
(or the file classifier.cc at least) in order to get that
In order to re-direct traffic from B to the default,
you basically have to do something like this:
set xslot [$cl del-hash $src $dst $fid]
$cl clear $xslot
and in order to re-install it, something like:
set nslot [$cl installNext $classC]
$cl set-hash auto $src $dst $fid $nslot
I would recommend you look at the web page:
which has pointers to simulation scripts that will be rather
close to what you're looking for I think...
- K