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ns on Win95
Does anyone have experience with building/installing ns-2 on Win95?
I am trying to build ns from pieces (tcl8/tk8/otcl/tclcl/ns-2)
but it seems I am hitting the wall at the last stage of linking
(after some ups and downs and some mods to get it to compile).
I am using VC++ 5.0's nmake in the process,
appreciate any hints,
here's the log:
link -LIBPATH:c:\progra~1\devstudio\vc\lib /NODEFAULTLIB /INCREMENTAL:NO
/PDB:NONE /RELEASE /NOLOGO libc.lib oldnames.lib kernel32.lib wsock32.lib
advapi32.lib -out:ns.exe tclAppInit.o emulate\inet.o random.o rng.o
ranvar.o misc.o timer-handler.o scheduler.o object.o classifier.o
classifier-addr.o classifier-flow.o classifier-hash.o classifier-mcast.o
classifier-mpath.o replicator.o classifier-mac.o packet.o ip.o route.o
connector.o ttl.o trace.o trace-ip.o cbr.o traffictrace.o pareto.o expoo.o
telnet.o tcplib-telnet.o agent.o message.o udp.o session-rtp.o rtp.o rtcp.o
ivs.o tcp.o tcp-sink.o tcp-reno.o tcp-newreno.o tcp-vegas.o tcp-rbp.o
tcp-full.o ttl.o trace.o trace-ip.o cbr.o traffictrace.o pareto.o expoo.o
telnet.o tcplib-telnet.o agent.o message.o udp.o session-rtp.o rtp.o rtcp.o
ivs.o tcp.o tcp-sink.o tcp-reno.o tcp-newreno.o tcp-vegas.o tcp-rbp.o
tcp-full.o scoreboard.o tcp-sack1.o tcp-fack.o tcp-asym.o tcp-asym-sink.o
integrator.o queue-monitor.o flowmon.o loss-monitor.o queue.o drop-tail.o
red.o semantic-packetqueue.o semantic-red.o ack-recons.o sfq.o fq.o drr.o
cbq.o sessionhelper.o delaymodel.ohackloss.o errmodel.o delay.o ll.o
snoop.o channel.o mac.o
mac-csma.o mac-802_11.o mac-multihop.o dynalink.o rtProtoDV.o
net-interface.o ctrMcast.o prune.o srm.o emulate\net.o
emulate\net-ip.o emulate\tap.o lib\\int.Vec.o lib\\int.RVec.o
lib\\dmalloc_support.o gen\\version.o
gen\\ns_tcl.o win32.o ..\tclcl\tclcl.lib -LIBPATH:..\otcl otcl.lib
-LIBPATH:c:\vint\ns-allinone\tk8.0\win tk80.lib
-LIBPATH:c:\vint\ns-allinone\tcl8.0\win tcl80.lib libc.lib oldnames.lib
kernel32.lib wsock32.lib advapi32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib
LINK : warning LNK4031: no subsystem specified; CONSOLE assumed
LINK : warning LNK4049: locally defined symbol "_abort" imported
LINK : warning LNK4049: locally defined symbol "_exit" imported
LINK : warning LNK4049: locally defined symbol "_fprintf" imported
LINK : warning LNK4049: locally defined symbol "_sprintf" imported
LINK : warning LNK4049: locally defined symbol "__assert" imported
LINK : warning LNK4049: locally defined symbol "_atof" imported
LINK : warning LNK4049: locally defined symbol "_isdigit" imported
LINK : warning LNK4049: locally defined symbol "_strtol" imported
LINK : warning LNK4049: locally defined symbol "_atoi" imported
tclcl.lib(Tcl.o) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp____p__iob
tclcl.lib(iohandler.o) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
tclcl.lib(Tcl.o) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__vsprintf
tclcl.lib(Tcl2.o) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__vsprintf
tclcl.lib(gettod.o) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp___ftime
ns.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 3 unresolved externals