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A small problem in trace-driven simulation

Dear colleagues,

I just would like to report a small problem I encountered in the use
of the sample trace file with the "Traffic/Trace" object.
The point is that the trace file (format) depends on the machine
architecture (byte order of 32-bit integers).  The sample data in the
package "tcl/ex/example.trace" fails on my Intel x86 (Free-BSD) machine.

This possibly comes from the code of the "Tracefile::setup()" in 
traffictrace.cc, which reads the trace file via fread into a buffer 
as a character stream and later "Tracefile::get_next" copies
a two-word trace record as 32-bit integers.
So, I believe this problem occurs only if I read an R3000-generated 
tracefile on Intel x86, etc.

Best regards,
Nag Yamnaouchi
IBM Japan, temporarily assigned to Tokyo Metropolitan University