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RE: ns2 help!
Make sure that the file was downloaded cleanly. If you are not certain
download it again.
If you are certain that the file downloaded OK then you may be untaring
and unzipping
in the wrong order. To extract the allinone I used the following command
cat ns-allinone-2.1b2.tar.gz | gunzip | tar -xvf -
This creates all the directories as well. To make it easy I put the
following in my .alias
file to handle tared/zipped files.
alias gcat 'cat \!* | gunzip | tar -tvf - | more'
alias gtar 'cat \!* | gunzip | tar -xvf - '
alias targ 'tar -cvf - \!* | gzip -c > \!*.tgz'
Hope this helps.
Don't know about win95, maybe somebody else has done it.
art mena
> ----------
> From: Rony Zoghby[SMTP:[email protected]]
> Sent: 22 May, 1998 9:58 AM
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: ns2 help!
> i've downloaded ns-allinone.
> when using gzip i get the message: error in crc check and can't
> continue.
> only once,i was able to "tar" it and when unpacking i had several
> errors
> like "segmentation fault"..
> please help me.
> and by the way , how can i build it under win95?
> thank you.
> Rony - Lebanon