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Re: TCP example in NS Doc
edisonhs wrote:
> I tried using the "create-connection" function in section 19.1.3 of NS
> documentation, but the trace files were empty. NS did not return any error
> message.
> Could someone comment on the correctness of the following code?
> Thanks,
> Eddie
> ------------------------
> set ns [new Simulator]
> set node1 [$ns node]
> set node2 [$ns node]
> set f [open out.tr w]
> $ns trace-all $f
> set nf [open out.nam w]
> $ns namtrace-all $nf
> set tcp1 [$ns create-connection TCP $node1 TCPSink $node2 42]
> $tcp1 set window_ 50
> set ftp1 [$tcp1 attach-source FTP]
> $ns at 0.0 "$ftp1 start"
> $ns at 2.0 "finish"
> proc finish {} {
> global ns f nf
> $ns flush-trace
> close $f
> close $nf
> puts "running nam..."
> exec nam out.nam &
> }
> ------------------------
I think your problem is that you haven't created a link between node1
and node2.
/m.v.h. Ingela
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