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Re: installation problem


I think that you just need to edit your Makefile.in to get
past this problem. From ns-allinone-2.1b2, ns-allinone/otcl/Makefile.in:

# ------------ you shouldn't need to configure below here -----------------

	-I. \
	@V_INCLUDE_X11@ \
	-I@includedir@ \

On my system (SGI Irix 6.2), V_INCLUDE is not defined leaving
the resulting Makefile after ./configure as:

# ------------ you shouldn't need to configure below here -----------------

	-I. \
	-I/u/wk/tslee/ns-allinone/otcl/../tk8.0/generic -I../tcl8.0/generic  \
	-I${prefix}/include \
	 		    ^undesired line continuation!

LIB =	-L/usr/local/lib -ltk -L/usr/local/lib -ltcl  \
	-lXext -lX11  -lsocket -lm

which would cause the error that you reported. The simple fix is
to swap the last two lines of the INCLUDES line from the Makefile.in
and run configure again:

	-I. \
	@V_INCLUDE_X11@ \

I'm not sure if this has any implications on order of include files
but it seemed to work for me.


At 7:09 PM -0500 6/1/98, Muppala, Suresh babu wrote:
> 	I got the following error while installing "ns-allinone" package.
>The error occured when the OTCL make is in process
>the output script at the time of error is:
>rm -f libotcl.so
>gcc -o owish  -g -O2 -I.  -I../tkbox/include -I../tclbox/include   -I/include
>LIB =   -L../tkbox/lib -ltk8.0 -L../tclbox/lib -ltcl8.0   -lXext -lX11
>-ldnet_stub -lm otkAppInit.c  -L. -lotcl
>gcc: LIB: No such file or directory
>gcc: =: No such file or directory
>*** Exit 1
>otcl make failed! Exiting ...
>artimis {/users/s/smuppala/unix/RSCH/NS/ns-allinone}107 %
>It will be great If any of NS users can help me in getting out of this
>problem. I'm getting the same problem when I tried installation from
>pieces (in the specified order)
>I'm working on digital Unix work stations
>thank you,
>Muppala, Suresh Babu
>( [email protected])