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Hello every one!
Before I asked if anyone hade any clues why I didn't get any better
throughput with snoop than with out it. Yes it was really strange. But
now I found out why by myself, well sort of anyway.
I still have some question marks, see below.
When adding the base station to the lan I used the following command:
$lan addNode [list $node($newnode)] $opt(bw) $opt(delay)
LL/LLSnoop $opt(ifq) $opt(mac)
This however seems to just add the LL/LLSnoop in one direction so to speak.
My simulation kind of snooped only in one direction. (Well that is
what I gathered from the debug messages I put in snoop.cc)
So now I use the command:
$lan addNode [list $node($newnode)] $opt(bw) $opt(delay)
LL/LLSnoop $opt(ifq) $opt(mac) LL/LLSnoop
This is the difference
However I am a bit confused though, because if I change the first appearance of
LL/LLSnoop above to LL and only have LL/LLSnoop as the last argument
it still seems to work the same way.
The definition of addNode is:
LanLink instproc addNode {nodes bw delay {sllType ""} \
{ifqType ""} {macType ""} {dllType ""}}
So what does sllType and dllType stand for? I don't think these are
optimal variable names. I gather ll = link layer but what does s and d stand
for? If I knew that for sure I could understand why the behaviour of
my simulations.
This is my simulation scenario:
| |
| 0 |--|
| | |
----- |
----- |
| | |
| 1 |--| LAN
| | |
----- |
----- | -----
| | | | |
| 2 |--| | 3 |
| |------------| |
----- Wireless -----
I use node 0 as an FTP server and node 2 is a basstation and node 3 is
the mobile host. At the time beeing I only have on traffic flow, a FTP
transfer from node 0 to node 3. The wireless link I have made lossy
using the errormodel.
/m.v.h. Ingela
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