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Re: GT-ITM Question

> Anyone knows how to parse the output of GT-ITM?
> Specifically, I want to distinguish transit and stub nodes.
> I suppose the T and S preceeding a vertice is what distinguishes
> them, but it's not clear what the rest of the items are.
> Also, does sgb2ns preserve the order in the GT-ITM output
> when creating nodes? In other words, if there are 4 transit
> nodes, are these guaranteed to be n(0) - n(3)? It looks like
> the answer is no.
Hi Christos,

	Padma (at ISI) has already modified sgb2ns to take care of 
hierarchical addressing, ... and yes, her converter preserves the order 
such that you can identify the transit nodes... etc.
[I am not sure that her code is checked in though !! I think she's on 
vacation but may be able to answer email ! Padma ?!]

	At a later stage, an API should be given to query the topology 
generator about the node ranges constituting the transit/stub domains 
(this work will tie into the scenario generation work to enable clustering),

hope this helps,

> Thanks,
> Christos.