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report in installation

Dear NS research group:
Had a problem with installing the NS.
The version I tried to is 2.1b2(allinone file).
Could you look at the error attached?
Please give me some idea to fix it.
Thank you in advance.

In H. Yu

creating Makefile
rm -f libotcl.a otcl.o
/opt/SUNWspro/bin/cc -c -g -I.  -I../tkbox/include -I../tclbox/include   -I/usr/
openwin/include  -I/include otcl.c
"otcl.c", line 1115: syntax error before or at: /
"otcl.c", line 1118: undefined symbol: co
"otcl.c", line 1118: non-unique member requires struct/union pointer: clientData
"otcl.c", line 1118: left operand of "->" must be pointer to struct/union
"otcl.c", line 1118: undefined symbol: cdest
"otcl.c", line 1118: non-unique member requires struct/union pointer: clientData
"otcl.c", line 1118: left operand of "->" must be pointer to struct/union
"otcl.c", line 1118: warning: improper pointer/integer combination: op "="
"otcl.c", line 1119: non-unique member requires struct/union pointer: deleteProc
"otcl.c", line 1119: left operand of "->" must be pointer to struct/union
"otcl.c", line 1119: non-unique member requires struct/union pointer: deleteProc
"otcl.c", line 1119: left operand of "->" must be pointer to struct/union
"otcl.c", line 1119: non-unique member requires struct/union pointer: deleteData
"otcl.c", line 1119: left operand of "->" must be pointer to struct/union
"otcl.c", line 1148: cannot recover from previous errors
cc: acomp failed for otcl.c
*** ?@7y DZ5e 2
make: D!8m@{@N ?@7y: E80Y `libotcl.a'8& @'GQ 8m7I>n0! =GFP
otcl make failed! Exiting ...