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Please help with Lan simulation

Hi ns-users

	I have successfully installed and compiled the simulator piece by piece thanx to all the informative postings in this list. However I have been unable to simulate a LAN using ns. When I try "ns mac-test.tcl" I get the following message :

$ns mac-test.tcl
Usage: mac-test.tcl [-stop sec] [-seed value] [-num nodes]
        [-tr tracefile] [-g]
        [-ll lltype] [-ifq ifqtype] [-mac mactype] [-chan chan]
        [-bw 2Mb] [-delay 1ms]

Then if I try the same with all the options filled in as requested I get the following:

$ns mac-test.tcl -stop 5 -seed 0 -num 3 -tr out -g -ll LL -ifq Queue/DropTail -mac Mac/Csma/Cd -chan Channel -bw 2Mb -delay 1ms
_o15: unable to dispatch method init-all-vars
    while executing
"$self init-all-vars $class"
    (procedure "_o15" line 2)
    (LanLink init line 2)
    invoked from within
"_o15 init _o3 -llType LL/LL -ifqType Queue/Queue/DropTail -macType Mac/Mac/Csma/Cd -chanType Channel"
    (Class create line 1)
    invoked from within
"LanLink create _o15 _o3 -llType LL/LL -ifqType Queue/Queue/DropTail -macType Mac/Mac/Csma/Cd -chanType Channel"
    invoked from within
"catch "$className create $o $args" msg"
    (procedure "new" line 3)
    invoked from within
"new LanLink $self -llType $llType -ifqType $ifqType  -macType $macType -chanType $chanType"
    (procedure "_o3" line 2)
    (Simulator make-lan line 2)
    invoked from within
"$ns make-lan $nodelist $opt(bw) $opt(delay)  $opt(ll) $opt(ifq) $opt(mac) $opt(chan)"
    (procedure "create-topology" line 10)
    invoked from within
"create-topology $opt(num)"
    (file "mac-test.tcl" line 186)

I am running NS on the redhat5.1 distribution of linux. I am able to run all the simple scripts given in Marc Greis's tutorial but unable to run mac-test.tcl

I am not sure if this has anything to do with Otcl dumping core when running the autoload test (this is one of the tests in the otcl pkg I downloaded from the MIT site).

I am really at my wit's end right now and would appreciate any pointers, tips, helps, fixes etc .

Thanks a lot
