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Re: the DecapAgent in CtrMcast protocol
On Sat, 11 Jul 1998, Shuqian YAN wrote:
> Hi, all
> I have some questions on the decapagent defined in CtrMcast.cc
> (1) Dose the DecapAgent only present in the RP node? or does it present in all the nodes along the RP shared tree?
only in the RP.
> (2) When a packet is routed from a source to a particular member
receiver (either through source tree or RP shared tree), how can it tell
that the packet has reached the last hop router and no longer be forwarded
donwstream? Can it be determined from the
> node's oif list (if the oif_list(node)==null, then we know that it is
the last hop router??)
You're right. WHen oif_list is empty, the packets will not be forwarded
any further. The oif_list is established while commands such as
join-group are issued.
> Tks.
> shuqian