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pls help!


I am having troubles to build ns since last week, the original problem was the 
same problem pointed out by Ron van Meter, since our system has upgraded the gcc 
compiler from 2.7.x to 2.8.1, and the ns verison I was using is ns-2.1b2(along 
with Tcl 7.6, Tk 4.2, otcl 0.96 and tclcl-1.0b5)

I downloaded ns-2.1b3(the latest release version), otcl-1.0a3, Tcl/Tk8.0 and 
tclcl-1.0b6 piece by piece from the home page and install it as a completed new 
package on my system (solaris  2.6). After many tries, it managed to build ns 
successfully at the end. 

BUT I CAN'T RUN THE TCL EXAMPLES GIVEN IN THE TCL/EX, given these error messages 

 jupiter% ../../ns mcast.tcl
ns: _o3 run-mcast: invalid command name "0"
    while executing
"[$link set ifacein_] set intf_label_"
    (procedure "_o10" line 3)
    (Node get-oif line 3)
    invoked from within
"$self get-oif $link"
    (procedure "_o10" line 5)
    (Node init-outLink line 5)
    invoked from within
"$node init-outLink"
    (procedure "_o3" line 5)
    (Simulator run-mcast line 5)
    invoked from within
"_o3 run-mcast"

Some of the validation tests failed, including the routing test, here is the 
validation output

../../ns test-suite-manual-routing.tcl one_client QUIET
maximum clients per second: 114.218
optimal bw queue size: 226.69422743055557
t=0.000: creating clients 0 to 15
t=0.000: client 0 created
t=0.000: client 0 started
t=3.426: client 0 finished (10 pkts, 3.4264963032650391 s)
total clients started: 1
total clients finished: 1
ns: close file3; _o3 finish: Can't locate getopts.pl in @INC at ../../bin/raw2xg 
line 28.
    while executing
"exec ../../bin/raw2xg -a  -q -n 1 < out.tr >out.xg"
    ("eval" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"eval "exec $cmd""
    (procedure "_o3" line 33)
    (Main finish line 33)
    invoked from within
"_o3 finish"
Test output differs from reference output

Pls, anyone out there give me some ideas what these errors are about? and HOW TO 

Thank you in advance!
