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node-field-size on >=ns 2.1b3, >128 nodes
Finally compiled ns 2.1b3 under Solaris, and, as a check for what I
report below, the current snapshot (23 July 1998). Both exhibit the
same behaviour. Running with tcl/tk 8.0p2, otcl 1.0a3, tclcl 1.0b6 -
all mod cons.
Even though my scripts specify
Node expandaddr
I'm seeing:
Number of nodes exceeds node-field-size of 7 bits
while executing
"error "Number of nodes exceeds node-field-size of $nodebits_ bits""
(procedure "_o3" line 4)
(Simulator check-node-num line 4)
invoked from within
"$self check-node-num"
(procedure "_o3" line 8)
(Simulator node line 8)
invoked from within
"$ns node"
(file "/user/ccsrnrpg1/eep1lw/ns/lloyd/torus6.tcl" line 210)
with scripts setting up large networks for both 2.1b3 and the current
snapshot. These scripts execute without complaint under ns 2.1b2.
It looks like the new node-field-size code (which seems like a good
idea) in ns-lib.tcl is somehow getting the wrong idea about how many
nodes can be allocated.
I'd expect a complaint about node-field-size of *8* bits rather than
7; since I'm expanding the address space and using far less than 2**22
nodes, I was rather surprised to see this.
Any other workarounds other than dropping back to 2.1b2?
<http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/L.Wood/>PGP<[email protected]>