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Re: multiple links between 2 nodes
> Hello,
> I have 2 nodes n1, n2. I would appreciate it if somebody could explain
> me:
> 1. if ns allow to have more than one SimpleLinks between them
> 2. Furthermore if it allows them to communicate through 2 diff. LANs.
> like this:
> n1-->LAN1-->n2
> n2-->LAN2-->n1
> It seems to me that the Simulator variable
> link_([$n1 id]:[$n2 id]) keeps only the last SimpleLink between 2 nodes.
> So, in the case of 2 LANs, it will store the Link/LanDuplex between
> n1,n2 created by the last LAN. Is that correct?
You are correct,... we are aware of this problem, and hopefully it will
be fixed soon, before the next release. Maybe Ya can verify this ?!
> Thank you.
> Athina Markopoulou.