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nam problem..


i hv problems with nam..it is not reading out.nam for example1.tcl of
tutorial..i downloaded snapshots of nam and tried to rebuild
nam..'configure' is ok..but 'make' is giving out error messages..i am
attaching here the dump of make results..

can u help me out..i hv downloaded ns-allinone-2.1b3 on my solaris


rm -f nam; c++   -o nam \
	tkcompat.o tkUnixInit.o xwd.o netview.o netmodel.o edge.o packet.o node.o main.o  trace.o queue.o drop.o animation.o agent.o feature.o  route.o transform.o paint.o state.o monitor.o anetmodel.o  random.o rng.o view.o graphview.o netgraph.o tracehook.o lan.o psview.o group.o editview.o tag.o address.o animator.o gen/version.o gen/nam_tcl.o  -R../TclCL -L../TclCL -ltclcl -R../otcl -L../otcl -lotcl -R/home/shamid/thesis/ns-allinone-2.1b3/nam-1.0a5-current/../tk8.0/unix -L/home/shamid/thesis/ns-allinone-2.1b3/nam-1.0a5-current/../tk8.0/unix -ltk8.0 -R../tcl8.0/unix -L../tcl8.0/unix -ltcl8.0   -lX11  -lsocket -lnsl -ldl -ldl -lm -ldl
*** Error code 1