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Re: Binary of NS-2
On Sun, 23 Aug 1998 16:45:23 EDT, "BL0314500-Z.XIN(HO9999)NONE" wrote:
>I am a new user of NS from Lucent Technologies. I am currently downloaded
>your NS-2. I wonder if you have a binary version of NS-2 on Solaris 2.6.
>BTW, is NS-2 compilation based on gcc only? If so, why there is always
>checking for C++ compiler in the configure file? I would much appreciate
>if I could get an answer ASAP.
Because of the many versions of Unix on which ns runs
we do not currently make binaries available.
Ns should compile with any C++ compiler, but (given a choice) it will
take gcc over other compilers.
-John Heidemann