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Re: emulation

> From:  [email protected] (Samuel Wiebenson)
> To:    [email protected]
> Subject: emulation
> Date:  Fri, 28 Aug 1998 08:51:28 EDT
> Is there anyway to assign IP numbers to nodes so that using emulation
> you could ping a virtual node from a real computer on the network?  
> Is any kind of interaction like this possible with the current level of
> emulation?  

actually, there is a 'ping responder' agent that is able to parse
icmp echo responses from the real network and respond to them.
This is useful in order to make sure the real-time scheduler
is producing appropriate delays.

If you look at the file emulate/ping_responder.cc and emulate/emping.tcl
you should be able to get some idea on how it works.

I have not yet actually tried to give nodes real IP addresses, although
that is something I've brought up in the past and such a capability
is something I would expect to have in there w/out too much trouble.
> If there is any documentation on emulation besides the postscript notes
> from the web site please point me to it.

The things that illustrate its use are:
	1> the .tcl scripts in the emulate subdirectory
	2> the chapter in the documentation/notes
	3> some of my slides from my home page
	4> the (new) web page at

This last page, plus the documentation are the places to look for
documentation related to emulation.

A couple of things in general... the current emulation capability is pretty
new, and under development.  Also, I have used it only under FreeBSD,
although someone else has evidently made it work on Solaris.

I am curious to hear of people using this facility.  I will endeavor
to place useful info on the page in 4> above.

- Kevin