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same program, different results on 2 PCs
I installed ns-2.1b2 on two PCs. I used the zipped windows version from
catarina.usc.edu under /pub/usr/ahelmy.I executed the following program on
two PCs:
set ns [new Simulator]
# Create three nodes
set fixed [$ns node]
set base [$ns node]
set mobile [$ns node]
#Create a trace file
set h [open tahoe.tr w]
$ns trace-all $h
#Create nam trace file
set nf [open tahoe.nam w]
$ns namtrace-all $nf
#Connect the three nodes
$ns duplex-link $fixed $base 1.5Mb 10ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link $base $mobile 0.8Mb 100ms DropTail
#Set up BSD Tahoe TCP connections from fixed host to mobile
set tcp_src1 [new Agent/TCP]
set tcp_snk1 [new Agent/TCPSink]
$ns attach-agent $fixed $tcp_src1
$ns attach-agent $mobile $tcp_snk1
$ns connect $tcp_src1 $tcp_snk1
#define TCP parameters
$tcp_src1 set window_ 100
$tcp_src1 set packetSize_ 1024
$tcp_src1 set tcpTick_ 0.1
$tcp_src1 set ssthresh_ 64
#Create ftp sources at each node
set ftp1 [$tcp_src1 attach-source FTP]
#define the error model on the wireless link
# deterministic with up-interval = 4s and down-interval = 0.4s
$ns rtmodel Deterministic {0.0 4.0 0.4} $base $mobile
#start up ftp at time 0
$ns at 0.0 "$ftp1 start"
proc printtcp { tcp time } {
puts ""
puts "tcp: time: $time"
puts "total_data_packets_sent: [$tcp set ndatapack_] "
puts "packets_resent: [$tcp set nrexmitpack_] "
puts "ack_packets_received: [$tcp set nackpack_]"
puts "retransmit_timeouts: [$tcp set nrexmit_]"
puts "srtt(in ticks): [$tcp set srtt_]/8 RTTvar(in ticks): [$tcp set
rttvar_]/4 backoff: [$tcp set backoff_]"
exit 0
#run the simulation for 50 simulated seconds
$ns at 50.0 "printtcp $tcp_src1 50.0"
$ns run
For one PC I had:
total_data_packets_sent= 2107
packets_resent = 185
ack_packets_received = 1875
On the other PC I had:
total_data_packets_sent= 339
packets_resent = 68
ack_packets_received = 292
There is a great different between both results.
Anybody have an idea of what is going on?
Hala A. ElAarag
Ph.D. Student
School of Computer Science
University of Central Florida
Orlando, FL 32816