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Re: GT-ITM problem installtion

On Fri, 02 Oct 1998 12:33:38 BST, "Randa" wrote: 
>Hi All,
>	I have a problem when installing GT-ITM using ns-2.1b3 and
>Read hat linux 5.1
>I get the folowing error after running make:
>ld: ../lib/libgb4.a: file format not recognised; treating as linker script
>ld:../lib/libg4.a:1:1 parse error
>make: *** [itm] Error 1
>[email protected]

Unfortuantely the current ns-allinone distributes the stanford graph
base libraries in binary form for only a few platforms (not Linux :-().  
As a work-around you should build these by hand, please see
<http://www-mash.cs.berkeley.edu/ns/ns-build.html> for details.

This will be fixed in the next allinone release.

   -John Heidemann