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howto make lossy-link?
Is there anyone know how to make lossy-link?
I'm using ns2.1-b2, and preparing for reliable multicast simulation.
I've modified the content of test-suite-mcast.tcl to put in some part of
test-suite-mcast.tcl to make 4 node topology and one link lossy.
But I don't think this actually works.
Please give me a hand to make a lossy-link.
Below I've appended making-topology part of my tcl file and want to make
link between n0 and n1 lossy.
I'm not sure this is correct, I'm afraid.
Topology/net4a instproc init ns {
$self next $ns
$self instvar node_
Simulator set NumberInterfaces_ 1
$ns duplex-link $node_(n0) $node_(n1) 1.5Mb 10ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link $node_(n0) $node_(n2) 1.5Mb 10ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link $node_(n0) $node_(n3) 1.5Mb 10ms DropTail
$self instvar lossylink_
set lossylink_ [$ns link $node_(n0) $node_(n1)]
set em [new ErrorModule Fid]
set errmodel [new ErrorModel/Periodic]
$errmodel unit pkt
$errmodel set offset_ 1.0
$errmodel set period_ 0.25
$lossylink_ errormodule $em
$em insert $errmodel
$em bind $errmodel 0
if {[$class info instprocs config] != ""} {
$self config $ns
Plz, tell me about lossy-link or point me out where can I find the
information about it.
Thank you..
Hae-Woon Nam
Telecommunications and Signal Processing Lab.
(E-mail) [email protected]
(Tel) +82-2-880-8429
(Fax) +82-2-880-8209