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RLM error
I think there is an error in the RLM code. If a receiver drop layer
1 it can never go back to the session (I mean add a layer because you
can add a layer only if your highest layer receives packets).
I modify trigger_TJ in tcl/rlm/rlm.tcl to correct this behavior:
MMG instproc trigger_TJ {} {
$self debug "arl : trigger-TJ"
$self instvar state_ ctrl_ subscription_
#my fix
if {$subscription_==0} {
set temp 1
} else {
set temp [$self current_layer_getting_packets]
#end of my fix
if { ($state_ == "/S" && ![$self pending_inferior_jexps] && \
$temp) } {
$self add-layer
$self check-equilibrium
set msg "add $subscription_"
$ctrl_ send $msg
#XXX loop back message
$self local-join
$self set_TJ_timer
Do you think it's the rigth way to correct this problem.
Arnaud Legout
Institut Eurecom Phone :
2229, route des Cretes Fax :
BP 193 E-mail: [email protected]
06904 Sophia Antipolis cedex Web : http://www.eurecom.fr/~legout